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CloseCatastrophic failure of wind turbine blades is a significant concern. It results in reduced generating capacity, raised costs and safety issues for the surrounding areas. Discovering damage during infrequent manned inspections only exacerbates turbine operators’ concerns. Spotting problems from the onset is crucial in planning maintenance effectively.
During this webinar, we discuss how blade monitoring technology and real-time data informs decision making to maximise blade integrity. Blade monitors along with a web-based data portal give operators and engineers access to current and historical blade condition data, helping them turn it into actionable intelligence. (Sensoria™ by MISTRAS is one such example.)
Ideal for wind turbine owners, operators, and fleet engineers, key takeaways include:
How a customised alarm strategy alerts operators of multiple kinds of damages and their severity
How to track historical defects to intervene for maintenance at the optimal time
What a web-based, blade integrity data portal monitoring interface looks like
To find out more about advanced blade monitoring technology, register now.
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CloseDr. Obdulia Ley is a leading expert in Acoustic Emission (AE). She develops AE Technology Packages for strategic markets from the ground up, including instrumentation and software specifications, testing methodology, and data analysis. Her work has been published in several peer-reviewed journal articles and presented in international conferences. Dr. Ley holds a PhD and a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Rice University in Houston, TX, and a Bachelor of Science in Physics from the Morelos State Autonomous University in Mexico.