Get started with AI
Find information at work easily via a quick online search with Microsoft Copilot. Free for Microsoft 365 Business Premium users, Copilot includes additional controls, customization, and secure enterprise features: bing.com/copilot
Accelerate your AI fluency with our free learning pathways: aka.ms/MicrosoftDigitalSkillsCenter
Improve your team’s productivity and accelerate creativity when you add Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 to your existing Microsoft 365 plan: aka.ms/AmplifyCreativity
Ready to make technology work for your mission
Microsoft Tech for Social Impact is committed to delivering affordable and innovative cloud solutions to help nonprofits tackle the world’s biggest challenges.
- Access grants and discounts across our cloud products: aka.ms/nonprofits
- Join the Nonprofit Community: aka.ms/nonprofitcommunity
Find out more from CAF: https://www.cafonline.org/about-us/research/what-the-public-think-of-charities-using-ai